Use DialogFlow

  1. Install the newbot-dialogflow module

npm install newbot-dialogflow

  1. Import the module into the skill and add it to the property skills

import dialogflowSkill from 'newbot-dialogflow'
import code from './main.converse'

export default {
    skills: {
        dialogflow: dialogflowSkill({
            projectId: 'newagent-1-c9b25',  //,
            sessionId: 'quickstart-session-id',
            languageDefault: 'en-EN', // optionnal
            credentials: 'PATH_TO_JSON_FILE' //

Use in ConverseScript

Obtain an answer according to the intention

@Intent('input.welcome')  // action name
welcome() {
    > { :intent.response  } // response

Retrieve the entities

@Intent('input.welcome')  // action name
welcome() {
    > Hey { :intent.firstname.value  } // display parameter "firstname"

Last updated