Use @Event

An event on a function triggers this function according to a situation


The start event triggers the function when the user launches the chatbot for the first time. Attention, only the first time!

nameFunction() {
    > I am ChatBot


The startAndIntent event triggers the function when the user launches the chatbot for the first time and triggers another intent. Attention, only once!

nameFunction() {
    > I am Chatbot. I will try to answer your question


The event nothing triggers the function if no other function is started.

nameFunction() {
    > What ?


The on event triggers the function according to an outside call:

@Event('on', 'my-event')
nameFunction() {
    > Your name is { }


The canActivate event fires to find out if a skill can be performed or not

auth() {
    > Your password ?
    if (:text == 'azerty') {
        return true
    return false

Last updated